
Super AquaPros™

(3 customer reviews)

Original price was: $80.00.Current price is: $70.00.

VIDEO: “Treating Ponds with Super AquaPros”

Super AquaPros™ is a proprietary blend of beneficial, probiotic pond bacteria that control pond algae, by decomposing organic matter on the bottom and submerged surfaces of ponds. It improves water quality and the ecological health of ponds, while protecting aquatic life in the process. Super AquaPros™ is safe for pets, livestock, and humans… One lb of Super AquaPros™ is used to brew up up to 25 gallons, with an Aqua Kit, and it produces  about 8 billion cell-forming units (CFU) per ml, and treats up to 5 ac.-ft., or 1.5 million gallons of pond water


Super AquaPros™ is a proprietary blend of beneficial, Probiotic Aquatic Bacteria, used to: 1) Control Pond Algae, by reducing Nitrates and Phosphates, and decomposing organic matter on the bottom and submerged surfaces of ponds; and 2) Assist in Fish and Shrimp Aquaculture, to digest tank sludge and uneaten food, to improve food conversion and survival rates, and to reduce pathogens.  Super AquaPros™ is safe for pets, livestock, and humans… An intermediate brewing step is required in order to ramp up the concentration of probiotic bacteria to 8 Billion CFU (cell forming units)/ml.   This step requires heating and aerating for 24 hours and can be done in a garbage container with an Aqua Kit ($70)… One lb is used to brew up up to 25 gallons, and it treats up to 5 ac.-ft., or 1.5 million gallons of pond water, with a high concentration of probiotic bacteria… Several treatments are recommended throughout the summer season. Independent tests have shown 2”- 3” of bottom sludge have been decomposed per month, during the summer season… It is the most effective beneficial bacteria treatment believed to exist on the market today…

Brewing Super AquaPros™ is a simple, 24-hour, process of warming and aerating water, using an Aqua Kit,  combined with the proper amount of Super AquaPros™ powder…

Applying Super AquaPros™ can be done with a small bucket and cup, for small applications, or with a hose and a small water pump, for larger applications…



I was quite amazed how Super AquaPros™ cleaned up the scum on our beautiful trout pond. Incredible!!!   – Sports Bar & Grill Owner

Your product is truly a miracle!!! After several applications, it cleared up our water; and the ugly surface scum just disappeared!   – Condominium Association

We recommended Super AquaPros™ to a client, whose pond had experienced fish kills and poor water quality. Within one month, the pond was clean, the fish were healthy, and the water quality was excellent! I was quite impressed!!! – Industrial Lab Supervisor


Tests in western Montana conducted by Bob Schmacher of Underwater Enterprises of Hamilton, Montana have shown that Super Aquapros™ removed 2-to-3 inches of sludge per month, during the 3-4 months of the summer growing season.

a) Protocols for testing sludge removal: 1) fabricate rebar steel stakes with welded cross pieces, located every 3 inches; 2) dive into three ponds in the fall of 2006 and drive the steel stakes into the bottom, located at strategic locations on the bottom of the ponds; 3) record the amount of sludge at each stake location in each of three separate ponds; 4) apply four, monthly pond treatments of Super Aquapros™ between early June and early September of 2007; and 5) evaluate the sludge levels in late September of 2007, using an underwater camera.

b) Results from treatments with Super Aquapros™: Examination of the stakes with the underwater camera revealed that the sludge had been digested by the sludge-eating bacteria in all portions of the ponds. Some areas no longer contained sludge residues, revealing native sand-and-gravel bottoms. Two stakes contained 6 inches of sludge, prior to the four summer treatments; and when they were viewed after the four treatments, they no longer had any sludge whatsoever.


a) Super AquaPros™ were brewed, according to established protocols. This action was taken in June of 2023, where the formula was heated to approximately 90°F and maintained for 24 hours, while it was gently bubbled with an aeration system.

b) Representative samples were collected, fixed and transported to the Microbiology Lab of the Heath Sciences Department at the University of Montana.

c) Laboratory tests were conducted in June of 2023 by Mike Minnick of the Microbiology Lab of the Health Sciences Department, located in the University of Montana campus in Missoula, Montana. Average test results showed a cell count of 8 billion cells per ml.

Additional information

Weight 2 lbs
Dimensions 7 × 7 × 6 in

3 reviews for Super AquaPros™

  1. Roger Raynal

    We have been contracting with Enviornmental Service for better than 20 years on the ranch to help maintain high-quality water clarity and nutrient balance in a number of our ponds. Utilizing a quarterly treatment schedule, the Super AquaPros formulation has proven to be the very best at digesting nutrients and pond muck that annually builds up on the pond bottoms. We have learned that it is critical to reduce the amount of nutrient load which directly contributes to eventual algae and rooted aquatic weed growth. We especially like using it because not only does it help with reducing nutrients and muck, but it’s also biologically safe for fish, waterfowl, amphibians, and insect life. Without Super AquaPros, the ponds would over time experience rapid and uncontrolled algae and aquatic plant growth, rather than maintaining a reasonable balance of algae and vegetation that contributes to a healthy pond environment.

  2. Dan Severson

    Ron has been treating our pond with Super Aquapros for several years now. This pond was very full of algae and bottom rooted water weeds that were nasty to swim in and smelled bad. Before we started the Aquapros, I treated several times a summer with chemical herbicide which helped with the weeds and algae but did nothing with the sludge on the bottom. At that time when you walked into the water where we picnic and swim , you sank into the mud and muck half way to your knees. Very nasty. Now after being very committed to the Aquapros treatments several times a summer for a couple years, there is almost no rooted weed and very little moss or algae. The neatest part is that there is almost no muck on the bottom where we swim. The water is clear and you can see the rocks and pebbles on the bottom of the pond. We do not use any chemicals now, only the Aquapros. Thank you Ron. You and your product have enabled us to be proud of our pond and enjoy it all the time.

  3. Karen Nesbitt (verified owner)

    I have been using the Super Aquapros for many years in our pond. The pond serves as a refuge for wildlife including nesting Canadian geese as well as other birds on the little island. It is a spring fed pond about an acre in size with an outlet into a creek. In the heat it quickly develops algae and the Super Aquapros does an amazing job keeping the pond clear and clean. The aquatic life, including the turtles, thrive. I was able to get the kit for aerating which I use in a 5 gallon bucket with the Super Aquapros usually once a week in the heat. The pond is healthy and algae free.
    Great product! Thank you Ron!

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