
Septic Solutions

(3 customer reviews)

Original price was: $40.00.Current price is: $35.00.

SEPTIC SOLUTIONS: contains a complete formulation of five(5) species of beneficial, probiotic bacteria, selected to digest all normal products that are flushed down kitchen sinks, drains, and toilets. Treatment includes the break down of organic ingredients in both black-water and gray-water, and it decomposes organic matter in both the septic tank and the attached leech-field lines…

Additional benefits of SEPTIC SOLUTIONS include: 1) the establishment of a bio-film of probiotic bacteria on all the wetted surfaces of the plumbing and septic system; 2) the improved functioning of the tank and leech field due to the accelerated organic decomposition; 3) the reduction of the surface scum layer within the septic tank; 4) the digestion and reduction in the sludge layer in the septic tank; and 5) the improvement in the groundwater quality of the effluent from the leech lines…

Directions: Add one(1) level, teaspoon per weekly treatment, placing the product into the kitchen sink, toilets, bathroom and basement sinks, on alternating weeks.  Each jar contains enough product for about 1-1/2 years.


Septic Solutions: Contains a complete formulation of five(5) species of beneficial, probiotic bacteria, selected to digest all normal products that are flushed down kitchen sinks, drains, and toilets. These products include: 1) proteins; 2) fats, oils, and grease; 3) sugars, starches, and complex carbohydrates; 4) detergents; 5) phenols; and 6) toilet paper. Since normal septic microorganisms do not digest some of the constituents very well, this formulation was developed to do the job… Concentrations of beneficial microbes are 3 million, cell-forming units, per gram, as determined by our lab… Treatment includes the break down of organic ingredients in both black-water and gray-water, and it decomposes organic matter in both the septic tank and the attached, leach-field lines…

Digests Petroleum Oil: The microbial formula for Septic Solutions was one of the formulas used to digest the surface oil in the 2010 Gulf Water Horizon Oil Spill.


Digests Fat, Oil, and Grease (FOG) & Reduces Surface Scum:  As determined by on-site inspections in the Buried Interceptor Tank at the Harwood Restaurant at Quinn’s Hot Springs… 



We moved into a new home in 1992 and promptly had our 1,000-gallon, septic-tank pumped out. We started using Septic Solutions on regular basis in 1994, and we have not had to pump out our tank ever again!!! It saves us money and protects the environment!!! – Rural Home Owner

We run a commercial restaurant, containing two separate, grease traps. We apply Septic Solutions to both traps each morning, and the resultant effluent flows to a common, 1,500-gallon interceptor tank. After a month of operations, we were amazed to find the tank cleaned out and to discover it had two separate processing chambers!!! A truly remarkable and Money-Saving Product!!! – Quinn’s Hot Springs Resort – Maintenance Manager


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3 reviews for Septic Solutions

  1. Russell Wells (verified owner)

    I bought my home in 1999 and thanks to Septic Solutions, have only just had my septic pumped. I think that’s remarkable. I can’t speak too highly of this product.

  2. Ronald Pifer (verified owner)

    Your positive review is similar to our experience, Russell. We last had our Septic System pumped out in 1992, and it has worked great ever since that initial pump out. We just put in a level teaspoon in our sinks or toilets every week or so…
    Easy, inexpensive, and effective…

  3. Bruce

    We’ve been using Septic Solutions for almost 5 years now. It’s a great product and saves us a lot of money and trouble. Since it had been 8 years since our last septic pump-out, we decided we had better do it again. The company told us it was so low that we didn’t even need their service and he asked what we were using. When we told him, he joked and asked us to keep it to ourselves! When I think about it, if I owned a septic pumping business I wouldn’t want people to use Septic Solutions either!

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